Pickup pool passes and/or pay your membership fees before Memorial Day weekend

Please be mindful that VGCA is a volunteer run association. Lesia Howard and I would like to enjoy our Memorial Day weekend, so please stop by or pay online now so you can get your passes before Memorial Day weekend.

  • When: Tuesday, May 21st 5-7pm
  • Where: In front of the VGCA pool/clubhouse

VGCA Recreation Members — please stop by and pickup your pool passes (wristbands this year).

For those who haven’t joined yet, please stop by and pay your membership fees. We will have forms available and will be accepting cash/check. Credit cards can be done online at https://vgnn.org/join

Village Green Swim-a-thon funds new lane ropes, a cover, and improvements

New and improved Anti-Wave lane ropes. Guaranteed to make our swimmers faster than last year!

Last summer one of our swim team parents (thanks Janelle) had a great idea to raise some money for the swim team. The neighborhood as well as family and friends were quite generous and we raised over $3000. The Village Green Swim Team purchased new lane ropes and we had a few swimmers help us get them on the cart.

Old ones…I am not sure how old they are, but heard rumors they were as old as some of the houses in Village Green.
A couple of my helpers.
New wheels and new paint.

The cart also got a make-over. New paint job, new wheels, and some marine epoxy on the plastic discs to help extend their life. Thanks Jonathan McBride for the Village Green paint job as well as installing the new wheels.

If you haven’t joined the swim team already, this is the year to do so…Village Green will be looking great in and out of the water!

We were able to buy a cover as well, so our lane ropes will last for the next generation of Village Green swimmers!

It’s a great year to join the pool!

This is my 4th year managing the pool and it will be our best year yet! I have slowly made improvements over the years (doors, paint job), listened to and implemented ideas, and helped get “new” tables, chairs, and lounges.

It’s going to be a great year and I am hoping we will see increased membership as well as some new/young faces enjoying our best community asset.

Please consider joining the pool this year.

VGCA Membership Drive Update

We are making progress, let’s keep it going. It’s going to be a great summer at the pool…a lot of hard work has been put into it and we have “newer” furniture as well.

Sign up for your VGCA membership and join the pool, then come out and enjoy it this summer.

Swim team registration on Sat, May 11 7:30am-9am

The swim team is offering an early bird discount on registration for the summer season. Come up to the VG Swim Team Fundraising and Registration table in front of the pool on Saturday, May 11 7:30am-9:00am.

ATTENTION parents of young and/or new children to the neighborhood — this a great program and Coach Amy is the BEST! This is instructional but also teaches team spirit and personal growth. As parents of two young boys that learned to swim on the team, we LOVE IT! Stop by and talk to one of the swim parents.

Practices start the week of Memorial Day!

You can also sign up online at https://vgnn.org/swim

This is the spirit of Village Green…

At 4pm today, Debi Henderson put me in touch with her daughter, Leanne, who works with Great Wolf Lodge. They recently replaced their pool furniture and had the “old” (better shape than our old stuff) furniture slated to be trashed. It was first come first serve.

Debi and Pat Henderson, Ken Charbonneua, Danny Jones, Amy Nuttal, and Connor and Donnie Woodruff jumped into action and less that 3 hours later we had a bunch of pool furniture to help make this a great pool season. Gary Wilson loaned Donnie his truck so we had a convoy of 5 trucks that made the hike up to Great Wolf Lodge. Leanne who is 8+ months pregnant even gave us a hand.

This is the amazing spirit we have in Village Green!

This saved us over $1500 (easily) as it was completely free except for the time and effort (and gas) that our neighbors provided. The amazing thing…is that Connor and Donnie are the only ones of the convoy that use the pool. Others are pool members but just don’t use it.

Help support our neighborhood and join VGCA and while you are at it join the pool by choosing VGCA Rec Membership. https://vgnn.org/join

THANK YOU to all that helped tonight!

VGCA Membership Drive Continues

The VGCA Membership is continuing…don’t forget to sign up for a VGCA pool membership (Rec member) by April 30th to get your 5 free one time use guest passes. Sign up and pay online at https://vgnn.org/join

Removable steps to be added to the VGCA pool this year…

We have had several requests to add steps to the pool over the past few years. We have ordered a set like these pictured and will be adding them before Memorial Day. We went removable steps that were cost effective since we host swim meets and our swim team uses the pool quite regularly.