Santa visits Village Green

NNFD Station 6 had a special delivery for some very special children in Village Green on Saturday, Dec 21st. Santa delivered a couple of dozen donuts when he stopped by Station 6 awaiting his ride over in the big red sleigh with lights and sirens on.

Diane, Joy, Cheryl, Amy, and Debi saw that the children had gingerbread houses, pancakes, donuts, and the arrival of a special guest with presents for the little ones. Knowing Santa so well, he told me it really made his Christmas to have so many little ones welcome him with open arms. It was truly amazing and I hear he will be back…

For any parents looking for pics, please email me at [email protected] and I will send you a link to the photos we took.

Santa had the help of some special elves as well…thank you to everyone that made this event happen!