
New to Us Lawn Tractor Finds a Home in Village Green

Did you know that our community owns and is responsible for the mowing and upkeep of not only the park and pool but also the power lines property that bisects the neighborhood? Every year, community volunteers donate their time and sometimes their own equipment to help maintain these areas. While the VGCA Board works to organize and facilitate the care of these community areas (and often joins in the actual effort), the ability to accomplish many of these ongoing maintenance chores is limited by costs and volunteer availability. Because Village Green is a non-mandatory association, the VGCA is not a separate business or organization, it is rather a collective of neighbors. Individuals who live here are equally empowered to contribute to the upkeep either through dues or volunteer participation.  Thank you to the unsung neighbors who have graciously mowed the power lines, mowed the median strips in the front when the city failed to so, and provided major maintenance to overgrown shrubbery beds.

VGCA owns and is responsible for nearly 7.5 acres in Village Green

On to the good news! Two Village Green families sourced and donated a (new to us) lawn tractor and push mower to the VGCA. Plans are in the works to modify the shed in the park to accommodate and store the tractor. Now all we need are few volunteers! Is anyone willing to pitch in and take a turn with some mowing chores? It doesn’t have to be a full summer commitment; you can just add your name to the list. As the need arises, you may be contacted to check your availability. If you can drive a lawn tractor and are interested in helping out for a few hours, please email [email protected] to add your name to the list.

Village Green neighbors are amazing!!!

On a blustery but beautiful day, Village Green Neighbors were out in full force prepping the park and pool area for summer fun! Volunteers pitched in to finish up details on the park equipment, clean off the pool deck and pull out chaise lounges and chairs, clean and organize the clubhouse storage area and clean the bathrooms and kitchen area, clear leaves from around the pool perimeter and spread mulch in the flower beds. I tried to catch everyone in pictures, but I may have missed some. A huge thank you to these and all of our volunteers who come together to make this such a great neighborhood. We appreciate you and the work you so willingly do!

A big thanks goes out to Glenn and Wendy Woodell, Dave and Laura Cvitanovich, Amy Nuttal, Jonathan and Rachel McBride, Ryan and Jenn Greene, Ambrose and his boys, the Blocks, James and Aidan Mountjoy, Glenn Magnussen, Phil Krauss, Debi Henderson, Rich Spivak, Thomas Herrera, and Coach Amy.  If we missed anyone…THANK YOU!

VGCA owns nearly 7.5 acres

Did you know that Village Green Community Association (VGCA) owns approximately 7.5 acres in our neighborhood? On that land we have a clubhouse, pool, basketball court, playground equipment, park benches, picnic tables, grills, and split-rail fencing along the neighborhood cut throughs in the inner loops.  These 7.5 acres add to the property value of all our homes and provide much needed green space in a city that is seeing that shrink. We are a volunteer run organization who perform a lot of the maintenance and upkeep on our property. 

VGCA membership dues are very important for the neighborhood as a portion of it pays for items and services that are not donated or must be fixed by skilled workers.

The VGCA membership drive will be starting soon…remember to support VGCA by joining and possibly volunteering some time. The 2021 VGCA Membership form can be found here:  


VGCA Board Meeting Aug 25 @ 7pm

Location: VGCA Clubhouse

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Treasurer report
  2. Membership update 
  3. Pool update
  4. Grounds update
  5. Appoint a nominating committee for VGCA Board positions.

Storm Debris Collections

bulk collection

From the City’s Newport News Now newsletter. If you don’t receive it via email, you can sign up here: Subscribe to NN Now

Due to last week’s Tropical Storm Isaias, high volumes of storm debris may delay bulk collections in your neighborhood. Storm debris is being collected separately from regular bulk waste. Be sure to place your regular bulk waste out for your regular collection day. Tree contractor debris is prohibited for curb pickup. The tree contractor is responsible for disposing of the debris. To review the bulk collections schedule visit the Solid Waste Division website.    A portion of your street may be collected one day, while the rest of the street may be collected on another day. Storm debris is being picked up seven days a week.   To ensure Public Works provides the most efficient waste collection services follow these guidelines: Set out storm debris as soon as possible.Separate vegetative storm debris from other bulk waste. Be sure to place the debris three feet from other objects (such as vehicles, fences, other bulk waste, carts or fencing).Do not to set out any items under power lines, trees or any low hanging objects. Park cars in driveways versus the street, when possible.   For more information call 757-933-2311.

Area by the tennis courts received some much needed attention this past week.

Thanks to a group of folks that came out last Sunday afternoon and after TS Isaias on Tuesday to work on clearing brush and removing a tree that fell from a neighbor’s yard. The team still has more work to do, but we are committed to cleaning the area up so it can be enjoyed once again. Thanks for all the hard work!

VGCA Grounds Committee

I’ve had many folks come up to me recently asking, “How can I help?” Without a Grounds Committee Lead, I reached out to most of those folks who have expressed interest and we held a meeting. Some are relatively new Village Green neighbors and others have been here for a while. We had 10 volunteers attend the meeting. They are our VGCA Grounds Committee (but we still need a committee lead) that will begin to tackle projects around the VGCA properties.

They have tackled a few projects already!

They stepped up to mow the two VGCA lots near Plymouth Circle (under the power lines) for Steve Frame for the rest of this season. Thanks Max D and Josh J for helping out! The grass cutting by Steve and a few other neighbors goes unnoticed but is an important part for maintaining our property. THANK YOU to all those that cut VGCA grass.

The group also cut down two red tips and a small tree around the pool deck which was causing the concrete pool deck to raise in one section. It also helps minimize the amount of leaves on the pool deck. Thanks — Ryan G, Steve G, and Glenn M.

Some general park cleanup was done as well thanks to Peter G heading that up. I am sure others helped out — thanks for everything the group is doing!

Next, they plan to tackle some safety concerns around the park and tennis courts, so if you see more activity in those areas it’s more than likely a member of the Grounds Committee.

Neighbors living around the park and tennis courts area, don’t hesitate to say “hi”, introduce yourself, and “thank” them. Along with this, you can also verify they are a Grounds Committee member at the same time. 😉