
VGCA Pool clean up and swim for ALL volunteers — May 20 11am-5pm

Want to come an enjoy the pool early this year?  All are welcome to come and volunteer a little time to get things ready for opening day.  Afterwards you can enjoy the pool with your family for about 2hrs.  We will be taking VGCA memberships, Village Green Swim Team signups, and cooking hot dogs!

Come help out AND enjoy the pool for a bit.


  • Sat, May 20 11am-3pm
  • 11am-3pm — volunteers needed.
  • 3pm-5pm — free swim for families who come to volunteer (lifeguards will be on duty).  Possibly sooner if we get everything done.
  • What needs to be done:
    • Clean out pool deck gutter/drain.
    • Cut low hanging branches near baby pool and clubhouse.
    • Trim bushes.
    • Weed and mulch front park flower bed.
    • Weed and mulch front entrance flower beds.
    • Clean clubhouse roof.
    • Clean awning for clubhouse front door.
    • Pressure wash pool furniture.
    • Pressure wash clubhouse.
    • Cook hotdogs.

We will need the following:

    • Blowers, rakes, weed eaters, wheelbarrows, shovels.
    • Two trucks and two trailers would be helpful to make mulch runs to the City facility.

What will be provided:

    • Grill, hotdogs, and water.
    • 1 pressure washer 3200 PSI.
    • 1 pole saw (electric)
    • 1 hedge trimmer (battery powered)
    • Tarps to move some leaves.

I look forward to seeing our volunteers and having families enjoy the pool!

New to Us Lawn Tractor Finds a Home in Village Green

Did you know that our community owns and is responsible for the mowing and upkeep of not only the park and pool but also the power lines property that bisects the neighborhood? Every year, community volunteers donate their time and sometimes their own equipment to help maintain these areas. While the VGCA Board works to organize and facilitate the care of these community areas (and often joins in the actual effort), the ability to accomplish many of these ongoing maintenance chores is limited by costs and volunteer availability. Because Village Green is a non-mandatory association, the VGCA is not a separate business or organization, it is rather a collective of neighbors. Individuals who live here are equally empowered to contribute to the upkeep either through dues or volunteer participation.  Thank you to the unsung neighbors who have graciously mowed the power lines, mowed the median strips in the front when the city failed to so, and provided major maintenance to overgrown shrubbery beds.

VGCA owns and is responsible for nearly 7.5 acres in Village Green

On to the good news! Two Village Green families sourced and donated a (new to us) lawn tractor and push mower to the VGCA. Plans are in the works to modify the shed in the park to accommodate and store the tractor. Now all we need are few volunteers! Is anyone willing to pitch in and take a turn with some mowing chores? It doesn’t have to be a full summer commitment; you can just add your name to the list. As the need arises, you may be contacted to check your availability. If you can drive a lawn tractor and are interested in helping out for a few hours, please email [email protected] to add your name to the list.

VGCA Spring cleanup event Sat, March 26 @ 9am

We will need volunteers to help with annual VGCA Spring cleanup tasks for the VGCA park, pool, and clubhouse!

March 26  9am

Here is a list of things that will need to be done:

  1. Pool deck cleaned of leaves and gum balls.
  2. Clubhouse and swim team storage area straightened up and organized.
  3. Clean refrigerators out.
  4. Bathrooms cleaned.
  5. Clubhouse vacuumed and kitchen cleaned.
  6. Move pool furniture out from lifeguard shack and stage on the pool deck.
  7. Install roof on new playground.
  8. Mulch runs from City Recover Operations Center.

Materials provided:

  • trash bags
  • cleaning materials for clubhouse and bathrooms

Items that will be needed:

  • gloves
  • rake(s)
  • blower(s)
  • shovel(s)
  • multiple trailer/pickup truck for mulch

Pool Volunteer Needed

As VGCA continues to self-manage the pool, we are looking for an extra volunteer.  Specifically, I am looking for an adult that can help me with the following:

  • provide guidance and support to lifeguards.
  • answer questions for new and potential members.
  • help monitor pool chemicals and the pumps (very easy to do).

It is a great opportunity to give back to the neighborhood especially for an adult who is up at the pool on a regular basis.  There is very little effort involved but it would help me out during the week when I am working.

Email me at [email protected]

Thank you in advance!

VGCA Spring Cleanup Event on April 17

We will need volunteers to help with some Spring cleanup tasks for the VGCA park, pool, and clubhouse!

April 17  9am-12pm

Here is a list of things that will need to be done:

  1. Pool deck cleaned of leaves and gum balls.
  2. Clubhouse and swim team storage area straightened up and organized.
  3. Clean refrigerators out.
  4. Exterior trim painted on bathroom doors.
  5. Bathrooms cleaned.
  6. Clubhouse vacuumed and kitchen cleaned.
  7. Pressure wash the clubhouse.
  8. Trim some bushes around the park (will need hedge trimmers).
  9. Move pool furniture out from lifeguard shack and stage on the pool deck.

I plan to arrive around 830am on Sat, April 17 and will be there until 12pm or so.

Materials provided:

  • paint and paint brushes
  • trash bags
  • cleaning materials for clubhouse and bathrooms

Items that will be needed:

  • gloves
  • rake(s)
  • blower(s)
  • hedge trimmer
  • weed eater
  • pressure washer

Hope to see you on Saturday!

VGCA Board Member and VGCA Committee Leads needed

Help Needed Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

We’ve had a lot of help this summer…thank you!

We need some key positions filled to help us as we prepare our neighborhood for years to come. Many positions are not actively filled or are doubled up by a volunteer who has other VGCA responsibilities. Please help us continue to move our neighborhood forward!

We are in need of having the following positions:

VGCA President: Duties of the President from the By-Laws are:

  1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, performing any and all legal duties under the Articles of Incorporation and incident to the Corporate office of President.
  2. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board.
  3. He/she shall call special meetings of the members of the Association as provided in Article VI, Section 2.
  4. He/she shall enforce all rules and regulations of the Association and shall, subject to the approval of the Board, have the right to appoint all special committee chairman, employ all officers and employees not otherwise herein provided for.
  5. Subject to the approval of the Board, he/she shall establish all Special Committees, select the chairman of each Committee, and fill any vacancies in such committee by appointment. He/she shall be an ex officio member of all such committees.
  6. He/she shall make annual reports to the Directors and members of the Association.
  7. With the Secretary, and in his/her capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, he/she shall sign all certificates, written contracts, obligations and instruments of the Association and shall have
    charge of general supervision and control of the Association and its management.
  8. He/she shall, subject to the approval of the Board, authorize all checks disbursing unbudgeted Association funds.
  9. He/she shall perform all other such duties as properly may be required of him/her by the Board.
  10. The President, upon expiration of his/her term of office, shall act in the capacity of advisor to the Board as requested by the Board.

Time commitment is approximately 5+ hours a month.

VGCA Grounds Committee Lead: Identify areas for repair and improvement on VGCA property. This includes the park, trails, tennis courts, clubhouse, and all property owned by VGCA. Responsible for identify costs associated with repairs and improvements and getting approval from the VGCA Board. The committee lead is responsible for coordinating volunteers to accomplish repairs/improvements identified. Time commitment varies but we need a dedicated person to give it at least 3-5 hours a month.

VGCA Website/Crier Editor: Post information about what’s going on in the neighborhood using a simple WordPress interface. You’ve seen a lot of those posts from me (Donnie Woodruff) and it’s a way to let the neighborhood know what’s going on as well as thank our wonderful volunteers. Time commitment is approximately 5 hours a month. No knowledge of web design is required.

VGCA Social Committee Lead: Create and lead volunteers with running events for VGCA. Such things in the past have been Movie in the Park, coordinating food vendors, Breakfast with Santa, Easter Bunny, assist with the 4th of July, out of school pool party, and other social events to bring neighbors together. Time commitment varies but we are looking for someone who can commit to helping increase these events.

Volunteers needed for VGCA pool prep on Sun, May 31st

On Sunday, May 31st we will begin the process of preparing our pool in order to be inspected and possibly opened this season. If we can’t get the volunteers we need, then the VGCA will re-evaluate the need/desire to open the pool for the season. Please come out and help us get the pool ready.

The first shift will start around 9:30am, as I have had some interest from two families to start early and we can always use more volunteers. I will provide updates via Facebook around noon so others know where we stand.

What’s not done by the morning volunteers will need to be done in the afternoon beginning around 2pm. We will need the deck cleared so we can remove the covers at 4pm.

For removing the pool covers at 4pm, I will need 7-10 people to assist. If you have experience removing the covers from years ago, I could use some advice/guidance.

We need volunteers to help with these tasks:

  • Use weed-eaters around the outside and inside of the pool fence.
  • Trim bushes and small trees around pool area.
  • Blow, rake, and bag leaves from outside and inside the pool deck.
  • Set up the lifeguard stands.
  • Remove all furniture from the lifeguard shack and stack out of the way.
  • Remove baby pool cover.
  • Remove main pool cover.
  • Use pool leaf skimmer to remove debris from the water.

Remember to practice social distancing and consider wearing a mask.


Need a few volunteers to give us a hand in March

There are a couple of dates in March we need help getting the clubhouse ready for the Spring and Summer busy season. Please take a moment to check out the volunteer page and signup to give us a hand.

7.5 acres of land in Village Green

Did you know that VGCA owns approximately 7.5 acres in our neighborhood? On that land we have a clubhouse, pool, basketball court, playground equipment, park benches, picnic tables, grills, and split-rail fencing along the neighborhood cut throughs in the inner loops.

Take a nice relaxing ride (on the VG lawnmower) on some of the 7.5 acres VGCA owns while helping maintain our land. As an example, it takes about 1.5 hours to cut the section near Crown Point and needs to be done every 2 weeks during the growing season.

We are looking for as many volunteers we can get and can assign a week or two for you to cut sections on both sides of the Green. The more volunteers the easier it is on all of us to maintain.