Pool will be open on Mondays

We have some great pool news!  Since we surpassed 90 pool members this season (93 currently), we will be opening on Mondays for 5 weeks.  If we surpass 100 pool members we will look to stay open on Mondays for an additional 5 weeks.  So, talk to your neighbors tell them about the great things going on at the pool and entice them to join!

Here are the anticipated days/times we will be open on Mondays:

  • Mon, June 21:  12-6pm
  • Mon, June 28:  12-4pm (swim meet at 5pm)
  • Mon, July 5: 12-4pm (swim meet at 5pm)
  • Mon, July 12: 12-6pm
  • Mon, July 19:  12-6pm

More Mondays to come if we reach a goal of 100 members!

Thank you for supporting the VGCA pool!  Join here:  https://vgnn.org/join